Sunday, January 29, 2023

Minutes of National Executive Meeting of NCCPA!



(Registered under the T.U. Act)


13C - Feroze Shah Road, New Delhi -110 001


Website: nccpahq.blogspot.in                                                                          E mail: nccpahq@gmail.com.


Shiva Gopal Mishra                                       K.Ragavendran                                              H.L.Sidhu

President                                                         Secretary General                                         Treasurer

97176 47594                                                   9444919295                                                     9868933421



No.NCCPA / NE-1                                                                                           Dated 29.01.2023


The National Executive meeting of NCCPA was held virtually at 15.00 Hours on 15.01.2023. The President of NCCPA Comrade Shiva Gopal Mishra presided the meeting. The agenda of the meeting and the notice was earlier circulated by the President Comrade Shiva Gopal Mishra in the absence of our Secretary General Comrade KKN Kutty breathed his last on 08.12.2022 at Calicut, Kerala suddenly.

The Agenda of the Meeting as circulated earlier:

1)      Filling up the Post of Secretary General NCCPA and the  Working President NCCPA as well as the resultant vacancies.


2)      Any other issue with the permission of the Chair.


The meeting started at 15.00 Hours as scheduled and Comrade Shiva Gopal Mishra presided. As requested by the President, Comrade K.Ragavendran Deputy Secretary General briefed the National Executive about the situation and the circulation of Notice by the President in the background of sudden demise of our Secretary General Comrade KKN Kutty. He also briefed the need to support the decisions of National JCA against the NPS and for implementation of OPS to all employees irrespective of date of their entry.


Shiva Gopal Mishra the President then took over and expressed his hope that the NCCPA will support the decisions of N-JCA. He paid homage to the departed leader Comrade KKN Kutty and paid high encomium to the services of Comrade KKN Kutty to the serving CG Employees and also to the Pensioners Movement through NCCPA. He then proposed the names of Comrade K.Ragavendran Deputy SG to the vacant post of Secretary General NCCPA and Comrade S.K.Sharma to the vacant post of Working President caused by the demise of Comrade S.S.Roy. He desired all comrades attending to discuss the proposals and decide.


A.K.Ghosh Assistant SG: we have discussed among the West Bengal Comrades and we have no objection to the proposal of President and we support the two names. In fact the proposal is our proposals only. We should endorse any calls well in time as the programme of NJCA was endorsed very late.


VAN Namboodiri Patron: Praised the President Shiva Gopal Mishra for his initiative despite his busy schedule and travelling. He narrated the demise of Comrade KKN Kutty in Calicut after his hospitalization and his role in leading the CG Employees and Pensioners. I fully endorse Comrade Shiva Gopal Mishra and support the proposals for elevating Comrade K.Ragavendran as the Secretary General and Comrade S.K.Sharma as the Working President. He pointed out the recommendation of the Parliamentary Standing Committee with regard to Additional Pension and FMA and stated that the Central Government is not accepting. Many State Governments are now reverting back from NPS but the Central Government is taking a position that OPS should not be restored. We support the Confederation and AISGEF for coming together and resorting to agitation against NPS. I also insist that the issue of grant of pension revision to BSNL Pensioners despite our struggles should be taken up by NCCPA including the agitations launched by the AIBDPA. I also contratulate Comrade D.K.Debnath and K.G.Jayaraj for election of AIPRPA GS and AIBDPA GS.


C.L.Mathur Patron: The agenda of the NE Meeting is to fill up the vacancies of Secretary General and Working President. I fully support the proposals of the President. I want to point out that the AIRF with a lot of sacrifices have led the CG Movement and that is an inspiration. As for as the shortcoming in the constitution of NCCPA, we should sit together and improve it. I have discussed with many seniors like Comrade VAN Namboodiri and others.


S.K.Sharma Vice President: The proposals made by Shiva Gopal Mishra for the post of Working President is not acceptable to me. My name is proposed, and there are many seniors and I am a junior only. The post should be accepted by West Bengal only. Comrade Pavitra Ranjan Chakraborti is more fit to be working president and guide us. Next, Comrade KKN Kutty has taken the problem of PNB Pensioners and that should be continued.


Pavitra Ranjan Chakraborti Deputy SG: I am much thankful to Comrade S.K.Sharma for proposing my name. I want to say something. When Comrade S.K.Vyas was no more, I was contacted by Comrade K.Ragavendran and stated that I should take over as the senior and lead the movement. I did it until the AIC at Calcutta where I found Comrade KKN Kutty a more fit comrade is there and accordingly we proposed his name. Now, I have got many problems and therefore I propose and fully endorse that Comrade K.Ragavendran can take over the position and function as SG NCCPA as proposed by the President. Regarding the proposal of Comrade S.K.Sharma, though I am thankful due to my age and family affairs I disagree with his proposal and request that the proposal of the President can be accepted. The post of Working President became vacant due to the senior comrade S.S.Roy breathed his last from our state and in the next AIC if any proposal comes that from West Bengal some comrade should be made as
Working President, we will definitely consider. We should make NCCPA a strong organization. Our NCCPA was registered with the help of Comrades M.L.Gupta and S.K.Sharma and acRcording to the constitution we have to submit to the Registrar of TU. We  have to adopt a suitable resolution to the effect and present it.


M.L.Gupta President AI PNB P&R: The agenda of todays NE Meeting is to fill up both the posts of Secretary General and Working President. I fully endorse the proposal of the President. As we can submit until March 2023 there may not be any problem in this count.


D.K.Debnath GS AIPRPA: I fully endorse the proposals of our President for the posts of Secretary General and for Working President. We should support the programmes of NJCA. We should also support the problem of BSNL as suggested by Comrade VAN Namboodiri.


S.S.Pandey Audit: Comrade Shiva Gopal Sharma has proposed the names of K.Ragavendran and S.K.Sharma, and I fully endorse the proposals.


T.N.Venkatiswaran GS CGPA Kerala: I fully endorse the proposal of the President. On behalf of Kerala CGPA we support the proposals. The proposals of Parliamentary Standing Committee shall be obtained with our campaign and all India Programme. We should not wait for the next conference and we can join the programme of NJCA.


Dhandre Vice President NCCPA from Nagpur: I fully endorse the proposal and support the candidature of Comrade K.Ragavendran and S.K.Sharma. We will support any programme of NCCPA in future.


S.Rahman Vice President: The proposals of President for two proposals are welcome.


T.S.Parameswaran Vice President: I support the proposals made by the President’


K.D.Khera: I fully endorse the proposal of Comrade Shiva Gopal Sharma the President.


Maurya: I fully endorse the proposals of the President. I request the secretary General to take up our issue and sort out for which we shall be grateful.


B.M.Sunda Rajasthan CGPA GS: I fully endorse the proposals of the President for Comrade K.Ragavendran to become the Secretary General and Comrade S.K.Sharma as the Working President. We will support all programmes of NCCPA.


H.N.Joshi Patron: I fully support the proposals of the President. I request the new Secretary General to release the NCCPA monthly regularly as like Pensioners Post of AIPRPA.


Ishwarsingh Dabas Assistant SG: I fully support the proposals of the President NCCPA.


Comrades Jagmohan Thakur, Lahiri and Mohandass could not address due to technical problems.


K.Ragavendran Deputy SG: I have accepted the responsibility to work as the Secretary General NCCPA only because of the conditions including other Deputy Secretary Generals not in a position to accept. I have taken the initiative and audited the accounts after sending that by the CHQ Treasurer to Chennai. I seek the help of Comrade Gupta for getting the papers uploaded to Registrar of TU. I agree with Comrade A.K.Ghosh but because of some technical difficulties we could not endorse the call of NJCA in advance. All organizations are now united under NJCA and therefore we have to support the call of NJCA in all places. Comrade Ishwarsingh Dabas will lead a delegation of 6 or 7 to the National Convention of NJCA from NCCPA.  We adopt a suitable resolution also for electing me as the SG NCCPA and for submittying to change the names of operation of SB Account in our names of Treasurer and Secretary General. We shall sit in the month of February in our next NE and decide about all things. We shall attend the problems of bank pensioners and BSNL Pensioners from NCCPA.


Shiva Gopal Mishra President: The meeting of national executive was then concluded by the President Comrade Shiva Gopal Mishra. He thanked all for supporting his proposals for Secretary General Comrade K.Ragavendran and Working President Comrade S.K.Sharma. He explained the details of decisions against NPS and the organizations involved in the effort. Comrade Dabas also requested to send the list of delegates of NCCPA so that they can be admitted in the Convention. The programme against NPS will be nationwide and with the assembly before the Parliament later. I am sure that NCCPA partners will support the call maximum. We can meet again in the month of February 2023. The meeting is now concluded and I greet both Comrades K.Ragavendran the new Secretary General and Comrade S.K.Sharma the new Working President.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              K.Ragavendran

                                                                                                                                        Secretary General NCCPA

Thursday, January 19, 2023

NCCPA Emails to Minister (C) and Secretary DOT on Updation of Pension to Absorbed BSNL Pensioners!

 NCCPA Emails to Honourable Minister of Communications & IT, New Delhi

Secretary Department of Telecommunications, New Delhi

On Up dation of Pension from 01.01.2017



(Registered undder the T.U. Act.No. RTU01/2021.Dated.7.01.2021


13C - Feroze Shah Road, New Delhi -110 001


Website: nccpahq.blogspot.in                                                                        E mail: nccpahq@gmail.com.


Shiva Gopal Mishra                                     K.Ragavendran                                            H.L.Sidhu

President                                                      Secretary General                                       Treasurer

97176 47594                                                 9444919295                                                  9868933421


NCCPA / BSNL Pension / 2023                                                                      Dated 19th January, 2023


1.      Shri.AshwiniVaishnaw,

 Minister of Communications & IT

 Sanchar Bhawan,

 New Delhi – 110001


2.      Shri. K.Rajaraman

Se   Secretary, DoT

       Sanchar Bhawan

ew  New Delhi – 110001


Sub: Pension Revision of BSNL absorbed pensioners from 01.01.2017 – regarding.

The All India BSNL DOT Pensioners Association (AIBDPA) is our affiliate and hence the NCCPA is writing this letter on behalf of BSNL absorbed Pensioners requesting their updation of pension which is overdue from 01.01.2017.

The BSNL absorbed Pensioners should get their pension revision from 01.01.2017 irrespective of the wage revision from the same date for the serving employees of BSNL. This is clear from the agreement entered by the Government that the old arrangement of 60:40 sharing the expenditure of quantum of pension between the BSNL and the Central Government was replaced by full expenditure to be borne by the Consolidated Fund of India under the Central Government. As the total expenditure of pension head is to be granted by the Government, neither the profit loss account of the BSNL nor the wage agreement allowing enhancement for the serving employees shall come in the way of postponing the pension revision for the Pensioners. Moreover, the pension contribution of these absorbed pensioners has been paid at the maximum of their respective pay scales for the combined service. Since the date of revision of pension happens to be 01.01.2017 (i.e., 10 years from the earlier pension revision), any up dation of pension should be from that date only. Therefore, the pension revision has to be delinked from the wage revision, and this factor was agreed by the Department of Telecommunications also but it is only a question of fitment percentage of revision that has to be decided.

The third PRC has recommended a maximum fitment of 15% and the BSNL pensioners fully deserved to get the same fitment as the last pension revision was implemented with 30% fitment, the maximum recommended by 2nd PRC from 01.01.2007. Further, their counterparts, the central Government pensioners have got their pension revision with 2.57 multiple factor from 01-01-2016. So, any other percentage of fitment lower than 15% will be mockery of pension updation.

The absorbed Pensioners of BSNL are much anguished over the inordinate delay of pension revision for the past six years and there was a big march of BSNL Pensioners in New Delhi on 24-08.2022 at the call of the affiliate of our NCCPA viz., All India BSNL DOT Pensioners Association, in which thousands of Pensioners participated to show their resolve. It is a fact that after that only the DoT started to move the files for pension revision of absorbed BSNL Pensioners.

The National Coordination Committee comprising of many Central Government All India Associations and State level CGPA affiliates as well as the Public Sector Pensioners Associations including the AIBDPA expects that the issue of upward revision of pension to the absorbed pensioners of BSNL will be taken up by Telecom Ministry without any further loss of time, without forcing this Apex Body of Pensioners Association to resort to big agitations along with the AIBDPA.

A line in reply will receive our high appreciation.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,



Secretary General - NCCPA

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

NCCPA writes on Bank Pensioners Revision of Pension to United Forum of Bank Unions

 NCCPA Emails and also sends a physical letter to UFBU as follows:

Letter copy emailed to various Affiliates ot UFBU too!



(Registered undder the T.U. Act.No. RTU01/2021.Dated.7.01.2021


13C - Feroze Shah Road, New Delhi -110 001


Website: nccpahq.blogspot.in                                                                        E mail: nccpahq@gmail.com.


Shiva Gopal Mishra                                     K.Ragavendran                                            H.L.Sidhu

President                                                      Secretary General                                       Treasurer

97176 47594                                                 9444919295                                                  9868933421



NCCPA / Pension Revision / 1                                                                                   Dated 16.01.2023


Comrade Sanjeev K.Bandlish


United Forum of Bank Unions.

C/O SBI, LHO, Plot Number 1;

Sector 17A,

Chandigarh – 160017.


Dear Comrade,

We are called “National Coordination Committee of Pensioners Associations” functioning as an umbrella organization of various Central Government All India level Pensioners Associations, Many State level Central Government Pensioners Coordination Committees and many PSU Pensioners Associations including Banks etc. Some of our affiliated associations have membership in SCOVA (Standing Committee of Voluntary Associations) and Pensioners Portal etc. We are a registered Association under Indian TU Act and try to effectively project the issues of Pensioners before various Government Authorities.

The time for negotiations for wage settlement in the Banking Industry has come and we are happy to note that for the first time the issue of ‘Updation of Pension’ has been included as one of the major items. However, we are worried over the remarks of some organizations which are reportedly talking about ‘financial viability’ and ‘pension revision in a phased manner’ to postpone the major issue of ‘updation / revision of pension’ again during the negotiations. This is quite in contrast with the CG Employees Pay Commission which is considering the question of ‘Upward Pension Revision’ also as part and parcel of the terms of reference and recommends the same fitment formula to all the Pensioners and Family Pensioners on par with the serving employees. This should be the attitude of all constituents of UFBU and unfortunately the stand reportedly taken by some of the constituents is quite unfortunate.

We opine that the theory put forward by the IBA Authorities that the expenditure towards ‘Updation / revision of Pension’ is too much to bear by the Banking Managements is not right. The informationcollected under RTI by the All-Kerala Bank Retirees Forum reveals that the accrued pension corpus is more than sufficient to meet the financial burden. It is pertinent to note that since the inception of Pension in the year 1993, never any revision was made for nearly three decades. There is no justification for the adamancy of the stand exhibited by the IBA and the Central Government.

The CHQ of National Coordination Committee of Pensioners Association to which the All India Punjab National Bank Pensioners & Retirees Association and All Kerala Bank Retirees Forum are affiliates would like to request the UFBU and all its constituents that this time they should take up the issue of ‘Up dation/ Revision of Pension’ as a major item during negotiations to finalize 12th Settlement and once again this item is not diluted or relegated as an item of ‘Residual issues’. This is very important as it is not an item of mere the existing Bank Pensioners but also of the existing serving Bank Employees, as the latter will go on joining the battalion of the former.

The National Coordination Committee of Pensioners Associations trusts that the item of Bank Pensioners will be given enough importance by the UFBU and the main item of ‘Pension Updation / revision’ is sorted out to the satisfaction of all Bank Pensioners.

Yours Comradely



Secretary General




 NCCPA has written letter to Comrade S.C.Maheswari General Secretary Bharat Pensioners Samaj

Copy endorsed to Comrade D.Balasubramanian General Secretary AIFPA

Requesting to revive BCPC for facilitating a larger unity of Pensioners and United Agitation!



(Registered undder the T.U. Act.No. RTU01/2021.Dated.7.01.2021







NCCPA / Pensioners Unity   - Dated 16.01.2023




Comrade S.C.Maheswari

General Secretary

Bharat Pensioners Samaj

New Delhi


Dear Comrade!


Thanks for attending the condolence meeting for departed Secretary General of NCCPA Comrade KKN Kutty.


Yesterday, on 15.01.2023 our National Executive of NCCPA was held under the presidentship of Comrade Shiva Gopal Mishra. In the Executive I was unanimously elected as the Secretary General of NCCPA in place of departed leader Comrade KKN Kutty.


The problems of Pensioners especially the CG Pensioners are plenty, as you know very well. Even the Central Government is not ready to accept the recommendations of the Parliamentary Standing Committee. The DR Arrears for 18 months still refused. MACP date of effect from 1.1.2006 is not accepted to Civilians. Full MACP is denied to Postal Promotees as their hard-earned competitive exam-based result is adjusted against the number of MACP. Government continues to take the stand that the judgement in favour of 30th June Retirees is Judgement in Personam and not Judgment in Rem. CGHS rates are refused to be denied by the Government and many private hospitals are wriggling out of the empanelled list. Full complement of staff at Wellness Centres of CGHS are denied. Many other problems for CGHS beneficiaries and to Pensioners in general.


I request you kindly consider reviving the organization of Bharat Central Pensioners Confederation which can lead the entire CG Pensioners at the present time. General Elections are nearing and our combined agitation and approach towards all Political Parties will enable inclusion of our issues in their election manifestos also and even the present Government may relent and implement some of the long pending issues. It is high time that you take the lead in reviving the BCPC.


Kindly consider.


                                                                                                                                                                          Yours comradely,



                                                                                                                                                       Secretary General - NCCPA

Copy to:


General Secretary

All India Federation of Pensioners Associations


Dear Comrade D.Balasubramanian - Greetings - I have been unanimously elected as the Secretary General of NCCPA in our National Executive Meeting due to the sudden demise of Comrade KKN Kutty. I am forwarding the email we have sent to Com.S.C.Maheswari BPS for your kind perusal and  consideration - K.Ragavendran Secretary General NCCPA   


Yours Comradely,



Secretary General NCCPA

Task is to bring all Pensioners under a fighting platform!

 Thanks comrades!

Let us work together!

Let us work democratically!

Dear Comrades! I was indeed overwhelmed and have been receiving numerous congratulatory messages from different states and different comrades on my election of Secretary General NCCPA. It is not possible to wear the shoes of Comrade KKN Kutty, who had wider experience of dealing with the Government Authorities in several capacities including JCM Standing Committee Member, He had in fact was closer to the JCM Staff Side Secretary Comrade Shiva Gopal Mishra, who is also the President of NCCPA.
Nobody expected that Comrade KKN Kutty will be snatched away by the nature suddenly. His departure has caused a vacuum in the movement including the NCCPA. As the organization has to be taken forward, I have accepted the tuff job of uniting all sections of Pensioners in the capacity of Secretary General of NCCPA. I request all comrades to help spread the banner of NCCPA in all parts of the country by forming Local as well as State level COCs of NCCPA. There shall not be a state or a district / division that do not have a COC of NCCPA. This task can be fulfilled only if all comrades of all Organisations take the task very seriously. I accept the greetings with the rider that all will jointly toil to bring about a united platform of Struggle of Pensioners Community.
As I could not individually thank all comrades, I am using this social media platforms to thank all in my capacity and in the capacity of Comrade S.K.Sharma, who is elected to the vacant post of Working President of NCCPA. Let is work together for building a strong NCCPA and a strong Pensioners Movement. Let us work together and work democratically!
- K.Ragavendran Secretary General NCCPA -
May be an image of flower and text that says "Thank You"
Natarajan P, Brajakishore Pradhan and 26 others